Permanent Makeup

Permanent Makeup: Things You Need To Know About

Have you ever considered getting Permanent makeup? If not, you may be wondering what it is all about.

Permanent Makeup

Permanent make up is a cosmetic tattoo that can be applied to the skin of your eyelids to give you an eye liner, or it can be applied to the lips for lip color. It's also called permanent cosmetics.

1. What is permanent makeup?

Permanent makeup, also known as 'micro pigmentation, is a cosmetic procedure that requires pigment to be inserted into the dermal layer of the skin to enhance or correct features on the body.

Usually, this means lips and eyes, but can also include things like eyebrow replacement for those who have lost their natural brows or are just unhappy with how they are currently shaped.

2. How long does it last?

The amount of time a given piece of permanent makeup lasts will vary from person to person based on things like skin type, proper aftercare, and other treatments or products used.

It can also depend on the color itself; usually darker colors will last longer than lighter ones.

3. What processes are involved?

The process of Permanent makeup Kenosha itself varies depending on the size, location, and purpose.

Basic procedures can take less time; larger operations will take longer; some even requiring multiple sessions if you want both lips or eyebrows done at once!

It all depends on your personal preferences and what you're looking for.

4. Is it painful?

There is some discomfort associated with the application of Permanent make up Kenosha, but this varies from person to person. Generally speaking, the pain is minimal and most people only feel a slight tingling sensation.

5. What are pre-care instructions?

Pre-care instructions for permanent makeup are crucial to make sure the procedure goes as smoothly as possible. Here are some pre- care instructions you can follow:

i. Avoid sun exposure in the days leading up to your appointment.

ii. Avoid using any retinoid products for a month before your appointment.

iii. Avoid taking aspirin or any blood thinners for 24 hours before your appointment.

iv. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, avoid permanent makeup.

v. If you are diabetic, please consult with your doctor before getting permanent makeup done.

vi. Make sure to arrive for your appointment well-hydrated and avoid drinking caffeinated beverages or alcohol in the hours leading up to your appointment.

6. What are aftercare instructions?

Aftercare for permanent makeup is important to ensure that you get the most out of your touch-ups, as well as maintaining results over time.

For the first 24 hours following a procedure, avoid going in contact with water - including swimming and bathing.

After that, gently cleanse the area two to three times a day with mild soap and lukewarm water. Gently pat dry- do not rub!

Permanent Make Up

Apply a light layer of ointment or balm to the area as needed- avoid petroleum-based products.

Permanent makeup near me can give you a natural, fresh look. If you are tired of the daily routine of applying cosmetics or if your skin is too sensitive for laser treatments then permanent makeup may be an excellent option for you.

Contact us today for more information! We will help determine which type of permanent makeup treatment best suits your needs.

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